Discover the 20 Secret Tesla Features

Discover the 20 Secret Tesla Features

90% of the Tesla owners doesn't know all of their Tesla features, now we're about to take you on a journey of discovery through the lesser-known aspects of owning a Tesla. From concealed auto park functions to secret menus, from optimizing your charging experience to accessing all your Tesla's cameras, we've got a collection of hidden features that will transform the way you interact with your vehicle. Join us as we dive into the world of Tesla's hidden gems, revealing tips and tricks that will enhance your driving experience in ways you never imagined. Let's unlock the potential of your Tesla together!


1. Hidden Auto Park

If you've acquired Full Self Driving either through purchase or subscription, an inconspicuous yet valuable feature awaits you: the concealed auto park function. However, activating this feature requires a preliminary enabling process. Despite its absence from the regular menu options, a covert method exists to access it. Begin by navigating to Settings, then proceed to Autopilot. Within this section, select Customize Summon, and locate the "require continuous press" setting. Ensure that you opt for the "No" selection. Subsequently, exit the menu and, when you're prepared to park, swiftly press the parking button on the stalk twice. With these steps, you'll unveil the concealed Autopark capability!


2. Free Full Self Driving

For those who haven't acquired Full Self Driving, there exist two methods to obtain it without any cost. This can be achieved through Tesla's Referral Program. If you're a Tesla owner, you possess a distinct referral code. Should another individual use this code to make a Tesla purchase, you'll receive a minimum of 10,000 credits. These credits hold the potential for being exchanged for various Tesla Accessories, Clothing, or even upgrades, including the coveted Full Self Driving feature. It's noteworthy that a 3-month subscription of Full Self Driving corresponds precisely to 10,000 credits, thus necessitating the referral of a single person who uses your code to purchase a Tesla.

Conversely, if you decide to buy a Tesla and input someone else's referral code, you'll immediately receive benefits. These benefits include a $500 reduction in the purchase of a Model 3 or Y, a $1,000 reduction for an S or X, and an added bonus of a 3-month Full Self Driving subscription. Remember to utilize our Tesla Referral Code for your forthcoming Tesla acquisition and unlock these advantages!


3. Unlatch Doors

In our previous installment on concealed features, we demonstrated the method to manually release a jammed charging port. Today, we're extending the same principle to your door handles. Whether they're stuck due to a malfunction or are frozen over, we've got you covered. The solution? Utilize the Tesla app to disengage your door handles. Inside the app, simply perform a prolonged press on your quick controls. In the ensuing pop-up menu, you'll come across a prominently displayed button labeled "unlatch door." By selecting this option, you won't just unlock your door; you'll also release the latch and initiate the door to spring open.


4. 5th Quick Control

In our preceding article, we provided a tutorial on integrating and tailoring your quick controls. However, an aspect we regrettably omitted is the possibility of adding an extra quick control by nudging another control to the screen's edge. While it might necessitate a few attempts to achieve, it is indeed attainable. To acquire a comprehensive understanding of how to personalize your quick controls, we encourage you to refer to our video highlighting 20 hidden features.


5. Control Tesla with Siri

If you have the Tesla app installed, you can control your Tesla using Siri. Just open Siri, and you can ask things like, how much charge do I have? or Turn on the climate; you can even honk the horn and vent the windows. Pretty much anything you can do using the app, you can do with Siri without even unlocking your phone; if you try it and it doesn't work, you'll need to enable Siri to communicate with the app by going to your iPhone settings, then "Siri & Search" and scroll down to the Tesla app and make sure all options are enabled.


6. Free Data Report

In the event of an accident, Tesla offers you the option to request a "Data Report." This comprehensive report encompasses a wide array of information, such as data concerning the accelerator and brake positions, impact zone specifics, steering angle, and even steering torque. Furthermore, it provides insight into seatbelt status, Autopilot engagement, and Cruise control activation at the moment of impact, alongside a wealth of additional data. Notably, this report also includes footage captured by all cameras installed on your Tesla, encompassing cameras that are ordinarily inaccessible, such as the front fisheye and side pillar cameras. The best part? The Data Report is provided at no cost. To obtain this valuable report, simply make use of the provided link to access the Data Report Form.


7. Access All Cameras

Having just shared information about Tesla's typically inaccessible cameras, I have an intriguing revelation for you: it's indeed possible to directly access all of your Tesla's cameras right from within your vehicle. Yes, you read that correctly. Here's how you can achieve it: Firstly, ensure that your Tesla is running on the latest software update. Then, navigate to the "Settings" menu, followed by selecting "Service." Scroll down a bit, and you'll spot a distinctive "Camera Preview" button. Give it a click, and a new window will pop up, granting you the ability to visually monitor each camera fitted on your Tesla. This encompassing view encompasses the wide, narrow, and side pillar cameras, delivering an unprecedented perspective.


8. Secret Menus

While familiarizing yourself with the settings menu is commonplace, there's an obscure service menu in your Tesla that wasn't originally intended for public access. Nevertheless, we're about to unveil how you can access it. Here's the step-by-step guide: Upon entering the settings, navigate to the "Software" section and proceed to scroll down until you spot your car's model information. Next, press and hold on the text for a duration of five seconds. As a result, a window will materialize, prompting you for an access code. At this juncture, input the code "service." Upon successful entry, you'll be ushered into this hidden domain, replete with a plethora of new data and insights. The breadth of information is so extensive that it's impossible to cover everything within this context. We'd like to emphasize exercising caution when interacting with this menu, as tampering with settings might carry risks. Therefore, exploration is encouraged, but be sure to proceed at your own discretion.


Switch Gears in Motion

Should you find yourself needing to shift gears from drive to reverse, or the other way around, while your vehicle is in motion, there's a convenient feature that eliminates the need to come to a complete stop. As long as your speed is under 5 miles per hour or 8 kilometers, you can seamlessly transition between gears while in motion. This flexibility can be particularly advantageous during emergencies when you require swift reversals followed by immediate forward movement.


9. Blindspot Window Location

You're likely aware of the option to activate blind spot cameras, which provide a video feed of your blind spots upon engaging your left or right turn signals. However, there's an additional aspect you might not be familiar with: the ability to reposition the camera feed window on your screen. This means you can shift the window's location from the bottom left to the top left or even position it closer to the screen's center. We're curious about your preference. Feel free to share your favored window location in the comments section below.


10. Trunk Hook

For Model 3 owners, an intriguing discovery awaits when you open your trunk. Positioned on the right side, just beneath the top edge of the trunk, is a peculiar protruding screw. While its exact purpose remains a mystery, it can be utilized with a dedicated accessory: the grocery bag hook. This aluminum hook can be screwed onto the aforementioned screw, providing a convenient solution for hanging grocery bags or various items. This practical addition prevents items from jostling around in your trunk. I've personally found this feature invaluable, and you can too. Secure your own grocery bag hook from our sponsor,, where you'll also discover a wide range of Tesla accessories suitable for all models and years. Explore their offerings, including fantastic headrest pillows, and elevate your Tesla experience.


11. Battery Preconditioning

For an optimal supercharging experience with the highest charging speed, it's essential to take a strategic step before heading to the supercharger station. Never arrive at the station without first inputting its address into your navigation system. By doing so, your Tesla will engage in battery preconditioning, priming it to receive the quickest charging rates upon plugging in your vehicle. However, if you arrive at the supercharger without navigation, your Tesla will initiate charging at slower speeds initially. This is because it needs time to precondition the battery, and this process can take longer in colder weather. To ensure swifter and efficient charging, always have the supercharger location in your navigation system before arriving.


12. Trip Planner

Speaking about superchargers, there's a nifty way to access information and plan trips to nearby supercharger stations using the Tesla app. Previously, this was typically accomplished solely through the navigation system within your Tesla, but here's a game-changer for you. Simply launch the Tesla app, navigate to the "Location" tab, and you'll find a comprehensive list of nearby superchargers. By selecting one, you can access vital details such as the charging rate, stall availability, kilowatt-hour pricing, and available amenities at that location. What's even more fascinating is the trip planning feature. By entering your destination, you'll receive valuable insights into the trip duration, necessary supercharging stops along the route, and the expected battery percentage upon reaching your endpoint. Furthermore, you can schedule your departure for a specific time or plan your arrival, and the app will provide precise departure timing recommendations to ensure timely arrival. When you're prepared to embark on your journey, a simple tap on "send to car" sets the navigation. This process holds true even if you're away from your vehicle. Upon entering your Tesla, the navigation will seamlessly activate, guiding you to your intended destination. We're eager to hear your thoughts on this one! Don't hesitate to share your comments.


13. Hidden Headrest

In case you weren't aware, both the Model 3 and Model Y possess a concealed headrest for the rear middle seat. To reveal it, simply insert your hand between the upper part of the middle seat and gently push upwards. Moreover, this headrest is adjustable, allowing you to customize its position according to your preference.


14. Model Y Reclining Rear Seats

For those of you who own a Model Y, a noteworthy feature lies within your rear seats. You can recline them using the very same button used to fold them down. By pressing the seat folding latch and gently pushing the seat slightly backward, you can achieve two distinct reclining positions for added comfort.


15. Slip Start


Should you encounter challenging conditions like mud, snow, or ice that leave your Tesla stuck, there's a useful method to enhance your vehicle's traction. By enabling Slip Start and turning off traction control, you can mitigate wheel slip and potentially free your Tesla from its predicament. To activate this feature, follow these steps: Access your settings, proceed to "Controls," then "Pedals & Steering." Within this section, you'll locate the Slip Start toggle. By engaging this mode, you grant your Tesla improved maneuverability in situations where your wheels are ensnared. It's worth noting that this feature should be used judiciously and in alignment with safe driving practices.


16. Remote Driving Access

In scenarios where your Tesla is out of your immediate reach, and someone requires access to your vehicle urgently, you can facilitate remote driving permission via the Tesla App. Here's how: Press and hold down on your quick control bar, then select the "start" icon. This action grants temporary access for two minutes, allowing the individual to enter your Tesla before the doors automatically lock. If this feature is news to you, show your appreciation by liking this post.


17. Tesla App Climate Controls

Here's a quick tip while we're discussing the app: you can conveniently access all your climate settings from within the app itself. This includes options like enabling Dog Mode and initiating car defrosting.


18. Lost Media Bar

If you've found yourself in a situation where your media bar has disappeared and you thought it was gone for good, fear not – there's a straightforward method to bring it back. In case your media bar gets swiped down, whether intentionally or accidentally, a new icon will emerge in the app drawer. This icon takes the form of a gray square accompanied by a music note. Simply tap on this icon, and your media bar will promptly reappear, resolving the issue.


19. 12-Volt Battery

Should the need arise to offer a jumpstart or provide power in an emergency, your Tesla houses a 12-volt battery accessible in a familiar manner, akin to other vehicles. Open your frunk, and proceed to eliminate the plastic cover located behind the storage area. Afterward, remove the grate covering the air inlet. Through this process, you'll unveil your 12-volt battery, allowing you to access its terminals as required for the situation at hand.


20. Scroll Wheel Customization

In the latest 2023.12 update, an inconspicuous yet powerful feature has made its debut: scroll wheel customization. While this addition might have eluded many, it's a game-changer. Let's delve into it. You now possess the ability to tailor your driving experience directly from the steering wheel. Hold down the left scroll wheel, and a convenient pop-up menu emerges, granting swift access to an array of controls. These include altering acceleration modes, activating the steering wheel heater, saving dashcam footage, adjusting brightness, initiating defrosting, modifying fan speed and temperature, opening the glovebox, and switching on your dome lights. Furthermore, you can even designate one of these functions as your default preference. To do this, navigate to your settings, proceed to "Controls," then "Display," and finally "Scroll Wheel Function." This newfound capability exemplifies Tesla's dedication to enhancing user convenience and control.

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